Theresa May dances her way to the top of Brexit
Client: RamJam
Skill set: Current Affairs / Games / Website
While the Government dragged the UK through some depressingly painful Brexit negotiations, witnessing Prime Minister Theresa May dance onto stage to ABBA at the Tory conference was too much to take.
We'd already created a Theresa May 3D model (it's always handy having the Prime Minister to hand to make silly stuff at a moments notice) so we made Brexit Boogie.
Theresa can't help but dance at the Downing Street lectern and only some fruit lobbed from you can stop her in her tracks.
With every downed Theresa May two new Theresa Maybots are spawned to take her place and drag us through a nice hard Brexit.
Making this quick game was some well needed stress relief to alleviate the pain and got featued in the B3TA newsletter for being able to throw stuff at Theresa May.